First announcement and hello world.
by Alhazred

This site is visibly under heavy construction, as we settle on some final design decisions. While things won't break due to its nature, it is to be expected that the layout may change in the coming days. The decision was made to launch it in its currently under-construction form so that we could start publishing content.

There's currently a few pages here, feel free to check out any of them. This page will probably be used for site news and announcements, while the 'DDOS' page will be heavily inspired by the content found in the website n-gate which has been inactive for some time as of the time of writing. As for the other pages, no one really knows. Not even us.

Enjoy your stay.

Welcome to the Wired

This website was created out of a misplaced sense of nostalgia, too much free time and truly baffling aesthetic sensibilities. We hope you enjoy your time here.

If you hate the idea of using this eyesore of a website but still find value in its content for whatever reason, RSS will be coming soon (TM).